Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Retreat

Our annual Fall Retreat at Little Galilee Christian Camp was the 14th-16th of September.  CSF alum, Karl Halverson, was our main speaker and challenged the students to strip everything away from our faith and to focus on the teachings, words, and life of jesus. Cheese balls, campfires, and baptisms made for a weekend of challenge and growth!  Below is a personal testimony from Emily Taylor about her first fall retreat and her baptism!
      "The Fall Retreat to me was extremely uplifting and an experience I will never forget! I made the decision to get baptized and accept Jesus into my life completely. Before the retreat I was on the border to fully commit or to just be a small part of the group. After going to the Edge the weekend before the retreat, I could hear God telling me to go! I felt like He was pushing me to make this choice in my life, so I put all the distractions aside and did it. This has really got me so excited about growing in God because of all the memories and friendships I made that weekend. Not only the relationship I created with God, but also the amazing people around me that I know are there for the same reason. It is just so wonderful to have this opportunity through CSF and the Fall Retreat to connect with God!" -Emily Taylor
Caitlin Osborn also was baptized at fall retreat!  We are so excited about the growth from these two ladies and their obedience to God!

Jello Olympics!

At Little Galilee Camp!