Sunday, August 28, 2011

Freshmen Move-in Day

Every year CSF gathers together for the Cheapest Mission Trip Ever: Loving on Freshmen.  The first opportunity is the Freshmen Move-in Day, where we get to greet students as they enter their dorms.  We carry their luggage, try to get to know them and really try to connect on a deeper level in the midst of a chaotic day.  Brenna Byerly (2nd from bottom left) a senior CSF student leader, answers my question of why she looks forward to this ministry opportunity so much.

     Freshmen move-ins. Well, to put it simply, it’s one of my favorite things to do with CSF. Why? Because it gives us a chance to really be seen, for people to get to know us and especially for students to look to us as people they can really become friends with. I’m never sure if I ever really make an impression on incoming freshmen, but I do get really great chances to talk with the parents and with the housing staff. They see us walking around in our matching shirts and probably wonder why the heck we think it’s so important to help out, especially after they get used to seeing us year after year moving people in. Most of the volunteers that come offer a four hour time slot to help out. As far as I know, CSF is the only group that stays the entire 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. time. I thought we were absolutely crazy the first year I helped, but then I realized that that’s exactly what we’re supposed to be. We are called to be radical, to be different so that the world will take notice. So, you ask why we love helping freshmen move in? We do it because we’re not like everybody else. We care about the students on our campus because we know God cares for them and loves them immensely more than we ever could and we want them to know that Truth. By offering a helping hand, we get to be Jesus to people who may never encounter Him otherwise.

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