Tuesday, January 24, 2012

He Mends the Lonely

Can the world see that there’s no gaze
On a boy’s face?
Eyes cold and worn
Open still, but looking at nothing
“You’re all as blind as me”
The lonely words his lonely heart speaks

Could that boy see that there’s a gaze
On a Lover’s face?
Eyes whole and warm
Open now, and looking into his
“You were once blind, I tell you now see.”
The lovely words His loving heart speaks

Can the world hear that there’s no sound
From a girl’s mouth?
Lips cracked and dry
Open still, but making no noise
“You’re all as silent as me”
The lonely words her lonely heart speaks

Could that girl hear that there’s a sound
From a Lover’s mouth?
Lips soft and kind
Open now, locking to hers
“You were once silent, I tell you now speak.”
The lovely words His lovely heart speaks

Could the world feel that there’s no love
In a man’s chest?
Heart frail and fading
Closed now, just barely beating
“You’re all as hateful as me”
The lonely words his lonely heart speaks

Could that man feel there’s true love
In a Lover’s chest?
Heart strong and caring
Open now, and flowing to his
“You were once hateful, I tell you now love.”
The lovely words His loving heart speaks

by Rob Barnett (Sophomore at UIS and on CSF Worship Team)

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